1/7 I need to make a public apology regarding some previous tweets. Avatar came out in 2005 when i was 10 years old. I assumed when i went in to rewatch it that i had seen most of the episodes but i knew I'd missed at least a few because 05-07 was rough for me and my household
2/7I was pretty sure i had seen most of it and knew how it ended. After rewatching it i can confirm i saw all of season 1 and all of season 2 up until the last 3 episodes when it first came out, but the Appa episode i actually saw for the first time after making the initial tweet
3/7Even after finishing season 2 id recognized almost every episode and stood firmly that Appa's development throughout the show was significant. I noticed the first signs of him changing in season 1 and i already knew the changes everyone else would go through by the end of the-
4/7 -series. By ep 10 of season 3 i realized id only actually seen 5 of the episodes so far, and was confused as i started to doubt the ending i was so sure of because everything i remembered had happened and there were 11 episodes left of the show.
5/7 I just finished watching the series and uh... I did not see those last 11 episodes when they came out. The ending i though happened was just the ending they had implied up to where i stopped watching. The real ending was fucking wild and caught me completely off guard
6/7 The main purpose of this thread is that although i still believe Appa's character developed more than anyone ever talks about, @phillyaidan was right, the other characters become much more rounded by the end of the series than i remembered
7/7 Thank you for being willing to have this discussion with me despite me being very misinformed. Now that i have ACTUALLY finished the series, holy fuck, did not see any of that coming.
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