Lots of people are taking significant risks, and this is normalizing the idea of taking significant risk - this can be confusing: Can it really be unsafe if so many people are doing it? Am I too uptight? Making a big deal of nothing?
Yes: it can really be a significant risk even if lots of seemingly reasonable and likeable people are doing it.

All the birds can fly in the wrong direction. It happens all the time.
But a lot our moral discernment and risk assessments come from comparing ourselves from others. It can also be dangerous to stand apart, to be an outlier. . Outliers can be more susceptible to dangers from outside forces without the safety of numbers
So: we are going to be, unconscious weighing dangers against each other: more dangerous to expose myself to others? Or more dangerous, consequential to remove myself from those I see as peers?
So: when you experience confusion about risk and exposure in the upcoming months- realize that you are lilely experiencing a conflict between two sets of opposing fears.

Fear of contamination/infection
Fear of being alienated/ostracized.
Alienation/ostracization is the safer choice when the confused herd is running toward danger.
And those who are taking significant risks may also be doing so intentionally and consciously- weighing the dangers of the virus against the dangers of poverty, eviction, hunger. They may be making a prudent choice for themselves- & it may or may not be a prudent choice for you
Each of us is going ro need to rely on our own discernment between fears & risks.

I’d suggest that some significant risks are likely worth it for essentials, and not worth it for comforts, indulgences or luxuries.
It’s probably worth facing the anxieties of being an outlier for anything other than necessities.
This is going to require ongoing and practically continuous discernment.

And discernment is a labor intensive kind of thinking, and lots of people are going to get tired and just defer to the path of least resistance- even if it is the most dangerous path.
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