The Truth:

2 years ago I didn’t believe the #SnyderCut existed. 1 year ago I changed my mind. 6 months ago I got on board with #ReleaseTheSndyerCut.

We are human beings. We are allowed to change our mind.

But what I’m finding to be incredibly disheartening is...
Some of @ZackSnyder’s supporters (the same ones who have been raising money for suicide prevention) are actively cyber bullying people. And I do not use that phrase lightly.

Luckily, I’m a tough cookie. 2020 me can handle thousands of people DMing me saying that I’m a...
Cunt. Liar. Poser. That I should die.

There was one quote that Snyder said a year ago that I said in print made him sound like a “moron”. I regret saying that because out of context, it doesn’t look good. I‘m sorry to Zack. (Not that he cares what I think or knows who I am).
I think Zack Snyder is brilliant at what he does. I have said that 1,000x. I will say it 1,000 more. But this isn’t about that. This is me asking that people who are a part of the Snyder Cut movement be kind. Not just to me, to everyone. Again, I will take it if I have to. But...
The cause you are donating to is the same cause we’ve seen be a result of bullying.

The irony is there’s NO way @ZackSnyder wants anyone being bullied over this.

I’m sorry it hurt you when I said I didn’t believe the Snyder cut existed. Please stop threatening my life & others.
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