for real this time

link to old thread
interesting OP

oh, okay

what the fuck is this game doing?

okay so we got
- an edgy fuck
- that looks like the main character?
- someone prepared for covid
- tempted to make a sodachi joke
- mage
- . is that hachikuji terf pt. 1
- the twink that ariel showed me
- sayaka 2
- the deliquent
- the one ashley& kin
- the pervert?

- is that terf hachikuji pt. 2
- peko 2
- nidai 2

in case you cant tell the school uniforms are fucking with me

why a magical girl transformation sequence

also this ost track got old really quickly, because the vocal sample just doesn't loop well

ngl there being five monokumas is already extremely irritating to me

so i guess there's no "no doubles" rule here, huh?

oh, neat

knew someone in the game was related to music and kinda figured it was her from the design, but still, neat

this school has massive Nier;Automata energy

wait what if i turn off the in-game music and just play the nier;automata soundtrack on shuffle repeat whenever i'm playing

i really liked danganronpa music so far but for some reason, this game's OST is just immediately super irritating to me

sounds hetero

i'll just play in silence for now...

i immediate dislike him. i hope he dies quickly

okay so we're uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh one for six on characters so far, but hopefully there's people i like in the other ten

not showing the line here, but suffice to say, i do not like the nazi boy

(sorry ashley)

Sayaka No. 2

well, goth boy, when you put it like that, she sounds a little gay

Ultimate Twink

he's actually like a 7 or an 8/10 twink, but still
this design is comprised of fantastic and terrible elements with no middleground

oh she seems neat

start of the game character ranking!

16. ryoma
15. keebo
14. Ouma
13. Maki
12. Gonta
11. Kaito
10. Shuichi
9. Miu
8. twink
7. Tojo
6. Shinguji
5. Tsumugi
4. mage
3. Angie
2. Hachikuji terf
1. Kaeda

the breakdown here is 1-5 are characters i think i like, 6-8 are characters i think i might like, and 9-16 are characters i dislike, with 13-16 being the ones whose very presence on screen annoys me

Kaeda is without a doubt the best character so far and she's a 7/10 at best...

my first impression of the game so far is...unimpressed, if i try to put it kindly

something about this game irritates me in a way that the other games really haven't. the mix of characters and general aesthetic just click together as such that it doesn't work. having to turn off the music is a good example of this problem

thinking about my ranking and i might have put Miu too high, but the same could be said for a lot of the cast

the choice to turn off in-game music and listen to other soundtracks i like under it is maybe what will get me through this game

the colored monokumas annoy me

a lot


inclined to agree. they met maybe give minutes ago

interesting new rule

miu is, uh


there's a good chance that over time i'll grow to hate Tenko, cause this is uhhh a lot, but

i dunno, i like her

probably shouldn't, it's a case similar to Mikan of "why the fuck do i like this character", but in a game where i dont like anyone, it's still something

Tenko cons:
- uses nazi terminology
- sexist

Tenko pros:
- gay
- hates Ouma
- protects lesbians

strong set design

birth of a wish off the n;a soundtrack coming on as the new monokumas is... sure something

already knowing the twist about this at the end makes this... interesting

in contrast to Tenko, Miu is just sexist

so i'm thinking about it and if v3 only kills of characters i hate, by the end there might only be characters i'm solidly meh on by the end

the list of characters i want dying soon is long...

okay so the fact that shuichi seems to be this game's kyoko/chiaki is

not promising

i wonder which came first: Tenko or the choice to have the MC this time around be a girl

if anyone's curious about who i spent my first free time with:

okay wait i have no idea what i should be giving her

sweets, maybe? cause i think she was talking about sugar earlier?

nope. second free time wasted

so like tenko and mage were two of the few characters in the cast i knew ahead of time and so it's really fucking funny that that's the ship the game is pushing so far

what a fucking sentence that is

so that's two free times now that went to waste. i'm gonna keep counting

is shuichi gonna be dead? i really hope he's gonna be dead

shuichi dead hype!

i think the twink being set up like this onlt to have it not mean anything is kinda neat, but "kinda neat" isn't really what i'm looking for at this point in the game when it still hasnt really hooked me with anything

this doesn't even count as a twist

and here i was thinking Shuichi would be the game's token corpsefucker

wait what's this

characters keep making jokes about Kaede having small breasts, but like

she doesnt??? those are bigger than almost everyone in the cast??? i dont get this

why is this game like this

wow that's so dumb

was it shuichi?

here we are again

time to solve a murder

turning on music for the class trial. if i end up turning it off after this, it's staying off

so i guess that's her role in this, huh?

if you're wondering "hey jolyne you havent tweeted much this trial", it's because i still dont like much of the cast and am trying to get through this fast. i made my guess early and i'm sticking to it

if you really look closely at the last tweet, you can see the last tiny bit of good will i was trying to hold onto for this game crumbling away

suffice to say, i did not like that

i really wanted to like v3. i had high hopes because a lot of people i know really love it

v3ch1 wasn't as bad as, say, dr2ch2 or dr2ch3, but it certainly deserves to be in the conversation

against my better judgement, here i am playing more

my only hope is that shuchi going forward has a personality less existent than hinata

characters who i'll be avoiding including in screencaps going forward:
- Shuichi
- Ouma
- Kaito
- gonta
- ryoma
- keebo
- maki

this includes as a background character except in specific circumstances

list might change at some point but idk

these two have good chemistry together. the otaku and the chuuni

so i want people to think hard about why exactly tenko being my favorite would especially make me hate kaede's death so much

doing one of her ftes now and just. wow. this sucks.

oh and cool the fact that i did two of her ftes in chapter 1 is gone two nice cool i fucking hate this

apparently doing ftes doesnt matter anymore, so i'm not going to bother
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