my kpop opinions - a thread ✨
rosé deserves a solo THIS year
yg is a rat for favoring his bgs even tho blackpink is basically paying his lightbill
most girlgroups > most boygroups
wasting hours on this app fighting antis that wont change their mind is the biggest waste of time ever
when your group is getting called out for doing something racially insensitive or smth like that and you bring up what another grp has done you are part of the problem
not a kpop opinion but socialism >>>>> captialism
armys n blinks that think that multis are fake just because they are multis are dumber than bricks
you can still call yourself a fan if you only semi-ult them, as ling as you know the members, know most songs, and somewhat keep up with them, you are a fan
the most toxic armys are the ones that joined after ly: tear
on that note ly:tear best best bts album
being a solo stan for a blackpink member is so stupid, like its only 4 people, is it that hard to like 4 people?
you don’t have to tweet abt a group constantly just to prove you are a stan
some of yall’s faves would drop literal garbage fire and yall would still hype it up
stans get especially aggressive everytime a multistan has an opinion
ever since d4, yall loved brainwashing y’all selves into thinking blackpink has no impact and it makes yall look bout dumb asl
blackpink got 1b views for d4 and 300m for the dance practice and yall still wanna play the downplay game
bundles are not bad at all 💀 especially in the digital era, not many people will buy albums for the sake of albums so artists use bundles, its literally free stuff shoot i wouldnt complain if my faves did bundles thats just more stuff for me 😋
also yt ads arent even that bad either bc everyobe uses yt so its a good way to advertise,,, like yall act like if an artist uses yt ads it means that half of their views are automatically from the ads 💀 when im l sure thats not how it works
dragging a grp bc a stan dragged the grp you stanned is dumb cuz even if the person stanned another grp they still would drag yours so the group they stan is not at fault, and if u say “im sick of their stans its time to clap back” and then try to trend a malicious phrase +
connected to the group they stan, you are literally doing nothing more than making ur own fandom seem toxic (yes im talking abt what yall think im talking about)
yall will drag female idols through the dirt for something and then praise or excuse male idols for doing the same
stan twitter loves using jimin and jennie as punching bags and it shows
some of yall would attack a person for having a different opinion than u like just because an opinion is unpopular doesnt mean its wrong
okay end of thread ✨🥰😋😌 make sure to stream sour candy when it comes out
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