Decided to rate my injuries based on pain
2006 i slammed the ground and had 3 stitches on my chin .. wasnt that painful 3/10
2007 i fell on the street and cut my knee it wasnt that bad so 2/10
2010 my best friend pushed me to the street to catch a cat and a fast car da3satni .. i lost consciousness therefore didn’t feel pain so 0/10 but after i woke up from surgery it was 10/10
2012 i wanted to jump from the closet to the bed and i slammed on the ground and fractured my right arm .. extremely painful 10000/10
2013 i was running to the kitchen with a glass of water and i slammed the door with my right hand and i ended up with 7 stitches between my thumb and index i mean meh? 3/10
2015 fought with a bitch in school and she twisted my right arm and pulled it so it got fractured again .. 5/10
2016 fell of a rooftop while attempting a parkour shit and banged my head wasn’t that bad 1/10
2017 i tore a ligament in basketball and THAT WAS more painful than fracturing my arm .. 1272728/10
2019 got hit by a car AGAIN .. and i didnt break anything however the left side of my ribs got swollen and it was bad 8/10
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