(1/1) For years, I was a registered Republican. The only reason for that is because my Dad was, and I inherited a few of his character traits.

Registering as a Republican was one of those.
(2/2) Back in 2014, when the protesters in Ferguson, MO were protesting the death of Michael Brown, the Republican in me disputed the meaning of those protests.

I was your typical Republican-thinking woman, wondering why in the world they were protesting the death of a “thug...”
(3/3) ...It’s now 2015, and Drumpf has announced his candidacy for President.

I’m horrified by the things he has said about every group of people except for white men.

I hope it will stop, but we all know how that went. It finally stirs me to change my voter registration...
(4/4) ...but, not my mind on Black Lives Matter.

It’s now 2016. In February, I officially change my voter registration to Democratic. I’m fucking proud of my voter card, and I intended to use it to vote for Bernie Sanders.

But, this thread isn’t about him.
(5/5) Fast forward to the night of July 6, 2016.

Philando Castile was driving his car in suburban St. Paul, MN, with his girlfriend and his daughter inside.

I don’t have to tell y’all what happened next.
(6/6) I’m not sure why this happened, why this murder... but the pain and horror on Mr. Castile’s girlfriend’s face stirred emotion in me that I hadn’t felt prior to the other murders.

I know this thread is long, and I sincerely apologize to anyone reading this.
(7/7) Furthermore, I want to offer my deepest and sincerest apologies to people of color.

I’m so deeply, incredibly sorry for my past behavior. I realize now how horrific each and every murder by cop is, and I want y’all to know that I will do my best...
(8/8) ...to leverage whatever privilege I might have to bring awareness to the cowards with badges who murder innocent, unarmed people in the perverted name of “justice.”

I’ll fight for you, I’ll kneel for you, and I’ll forever be an ally.
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