@MatPatGT dear mister matpat I have a theory for Minecraft you know the 1.16 update? It has ancient debris but why are they ANCIENT debris? Well I think I have the answers... I think netherite was the ancient builders armor... let’s look at the evidence first visually it looks
Like a knights armor the helmet looks like some sort of knight helmet... something our character isn’t able to make with ANY OTHER ARMOR but here’s the thing why I think it came with the builders... netherite despite its name it doesn’t appear naturally in the nether... I mean t-
-hat in the game itself it comes in the form of ancient debris but it’s DEBRIS not ORE if you look in the nether so you see any netherite ore? NO if it came form the nether it has to come from ore! Not debris then if they had ore the piglins would be able to have some parts of-
Armor from netherite because we clearly see them having gold armor in the snapshots no I believe that the builders some how created netherite and when they headed to the nether through the portal I believe they had a massive war between the piglins. This is were your precious-
Also why are there broken portals in the overworld and the nether because of this war the piglins were trying to reach the over world and trying to drive them out of there world. And bastions? Why are they destroyed because of this war the builders tried to destroy there suppli-
-es to try and win. And also This is why there is netherite ingots and scarps in bastion chests because they were trying to gather up some to see if the could use it to their advantage against the builders.
And what about zombie piglins well I believe. They are actually the dead soldiers of the ones lost in this war this is why they are not immediately hostile because after being Rez erected they have no memory of what happened before death and just see you as a bystander of sorts-
-now you might be asking why do they attack you when you hit them 3 words YOU HIT THEM after you hit them they think hah time to kill you. Because why wouldn’t you want to kill someone after you get hit by a SWORD. Anyway so you might think after reading all of this thread you-
Might have one question for this “how did this war start???” Well I’ll get to that but heres the thing why are the piglins afraid of soul soil and soul stuff in general. I think because the zombie piglins came from now even though I said I I thought the zombies were form dead pig
-Lin soldiers the dead have to go somewhere and I think the soul sand valleys are where they have baried there dead there and they think it’s haunted by the souls of the dead and it is but not in the way you think because the reason why they are called soul sand and soil is beac-
-use they house the souls of the dead and also the bones WHY ARE THEY THERE there is clearly no fana in the nether to have bones that big but also I think the builders killed most of the fana in the nether during this war and before this war
Now the reason the debris are so rare and why it’s so hard to break it even with a dimond pick is because netherite is really hard to break its stronger Thai is why you have to break and still melt it down and you only get a scrap because the scrap of it was diluted to the point
Where it can’t be found by just Mining it has to have all the layers of rock and rubble melted off of the netherite minerals to just make a scrap of it I’m getting tired of writing this so I’ll finish the rest of this theory tomorrow but hey that’s just a theory a game theory-
Thanks for reading! :D
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