A few days ago I cleaned up the code for my Memory game. I tried to apply two principles:

- make it readable
- make it DRY (don't repeat yourself)

I learned a lot from the experience, but there's one thing in particular I'd like to share: how to display something in a grid

My Memory game displays 16 buttons: 4 rows, 4 columns. When I first wrote the app, I did exactly what you're not supposed to: I hardcoded *all* 16 buttons đŸ€Ł

Super repetitive. The exact opposite of DRY. And that matters because it makes mistakes and bugs so much more likely.

So how to fix it? Well, if you're doing #100DaysOfSwiftUI you might remember that ForEach allowed us to make all three flag buttons while writing the code for just one.

That's DRY, but problem: my buttons needed to be nested in 4 rows of HStacks.

How do you inject that formatting? I thought about it long and hard. I finally realized I could solve this by nesting a ForEach inside a ForEach.

Damn I felt smart.

But then the code wouldn't compile.

"The compiler is unable to type check this expression in a reasonable time"

Well it would compile if commented out lots of stuff including my animations.

But animations make the game fun and there should be a way to make it work right?

Stack Overflow was full of threads with similar Xcode compiler issues. Lots of people complaining that the Xcode compiler isn't good enough.

Maybe. But I just want my app work.

After my 5th or 6th Google search a solution surfaced.

Yup, a tutorial from @twostraws 😆


Paul's solution is surprisingly similar to mine: it relies on a ForEach nested inside a ForEach. The key difference is that the grid is placed inside its own view.

So why does that work?

Less work for us. But also apparently less work for the compiler.

So what's going on? Luckily @twostraws has another explainer that I think answers this question.

It has to do with type inference.


I think this makes sense because one of things I noticed when my project wouldn't compile is that sections of my code no longer had syntax highlighting.

So is that the answer?

Breaking up your code into smaller views means:

- less work for the programmer (DRY)
- less work for the CPU in terms of type inference

I'm curious though. Are there other reasons to break up code into smaller views?

Thanks for reading.

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