(1) Four years later & where we are all at right now..I might as well tell this story. When @rajai11davis hit that HR in Game 7 of the World Series the audio room went so crazy my wireless mouse got bumped & fell on the floor...
(2) When I picked up the mouse and put the batteries back in it didn’t work. I couldn’t hit any buttons for any audio in the entire ballpark. I yelled for someone to let me borrow their wireless mouse ASAP. Anyone in the room. We scrambled and I got one...
(3) In the meantime Coco Crisp gets a base hit and I still had no connection to the audio computer. In that moment the crowd was going so nuts that it didn’t matter but I wasn’t able to play Yan Gomes’ walkup music. I’m sorry @Yan_AGomes That still irks me to this day
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