
I'm 57 years old.

When I was in my 20s, I was struck by the fact that in so many conflicts, both or all sides were wrong.

Today I understand why:

People love to act in bad faith.
Obviously the woman wasn't in fear for her life.

If she were, she wouldn't have walked up to the man.

Her rapid-fire, turkey-gobbling speaking style shows that she's used to getting her own way with men by being SUPER unpleasant.
And of course the man INITIATED the conflict.

There was no need to do that.

He could've gone somewhere else to watch birds.

This is Central Park.
People are simply looking for fights.

It's because they have HORRIBLE lives.

Unhappy people usually take it out on others instead of trying to overcome what it is that makes them unhappy.

I was just out a few minutes ago. It's like a zombie apocalypse.
Homeless maniacs wandering around, young idiots in cars with 40,000-watt speaker systems, texting drivers weaving all over the roads...

My brother insisted that I get a cellphone.

I never use it. It's horrifying to me that every single person I see is texting.

I'm not going to walk up to them and tell them to not text.

If a texting driver crashes into me, I'll just make sure they understand that I'll do as much legal damage to them as I can.

But you have to know when to fight your battles.
In my city, Memorial Day is when everyone brings out their low-rider 1940s sedans with no mufflers.

It literally sounds like World War II fighter aircraft flying down the street, four feet about the asphalt.

They race up and down all day.
Of course I fantasize about having one of these on the roof of my house.
But I'm not going actually do anything.

These people are breaking at least ten laws.


Part of it is the state of unreality in which too many people exist.
As I scan my postcard and photo collection, I listen to YouTube videos.

It's nothing but completely irrelevant weirdos having online confrontations, and then everybody is supposed to pick sides.

An amazing way to waste your life.
This is a very famous person who the vast majority of us have never heard of.

She's a "streamer" with 5.5 million YouTube subscribers.
Every few days she gets into a fight, and then other very famous people who most of us have never heard of either defend her or attack her.

This guy has 6.4 million subscribers.
Defending a woman--I think--is called "simping."

There are entire universes that I've completely ignored, and I didn't miss anything.

People think they have to know about all this incomprehensible junk, or else perfect strangers will look down on them.
But why does it matter that perfect strangers look down on you?

Did you ever see the Hitchcock film Strangers on a Train?

People want to be riding this carousel, I guess.
That's one of the most demented scenes ever filmed. The whole thing is totally perverse.

Hitchcock was a great artist but a rage-filled, sadistic, completely negative man.

He especially hated beautiful women.
The movie Rear Window is actually profoundly anti-woman.

It's shocking how rude and condescending Jimmy Stewart is to Grace Kelly.

EVERYBODY is rude to each other.

Except for Grace Kelly. She's very sweet. I can't imagine mistreating her.
But it's a tough old world.

Too many people take being nice as a sign of weakness.

I'm always nice, but I become a rabid animal the second someone tries to mess with me.
The woman with the dog in Central Park lost everything.

Her dog, her job, and her privacy.

Bad-faith actors ALWAYS lose.

It's why @realDonaldTrump will always win.

People think he isn't a nice man.

He's easily one of the nicest men who ever lived.

Until you mess with him.

And then he jacks you up but good.

A lesson for all of us.

Don't go looking for fights.
At the very minimum, you'll inevitably run into someone who will jack you up but good.

And in the worst-case scenario, you'll lose everything, quire possibly even your life.

Live long and live happy.

It's way more fun.

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