@sarahkendzior's book "Hiding in Plain Sight" is a revelation, even for followers of the current disaster.
She stitches together the long sordid history of @realDonaldTrump's criminal activity, the #GOP's happy play-along strategy, and the crumbling edifices of democracy.
She pulls in all the sordid actors, from #Putin to the #Saudis to #Manafort and #Stone. She understand their sick game--selling off the country for money and power...and the sadistic pleasure of watching people suffer.
She brings a human element--her own story, watching this horror show unfold according to the script of the authoritarian monsters she studied in her PhD work. She explains her commitment to getting this right: leaving her kids with a real democracy, not a tinpot fraud show.
She is smart and candid and unsparing. No civic-textbook sentimentality or "faith" or "hope"--just a determination to lay out facts and say what they mean.
Ultimately, truth is the only chance we have to survive this. Sadly, too many happy-talkers want to believe it's all a bad dream, like Bobby's yearlong absence from "Dallas." But wishing won't make it so.
Congrats to @sarahkendzior, a courageous patriot and decent person. Truth might not win, but it's the only chance we have.
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