Ok, I've read several reviews of THE STATE OF US and with each one I just wonder more and more why someone thought that was appropriate???

And then I remember that the author is white.
Like... a white Republican boy and a Latinx Democrat boy fall in love during a presidential race.

Who thought this was a good idea??? In 2020? With f*cking TRUMP????

Only white people could have done this.
I'm also pissed that the Republican is ace/demisexual because I am so starved for ace rep and THAT is what I get?

TW: Racism

This is NOT ok. THE STATE OF US is fiction but it is published in an era when Latinx people are frequently stopped by police, detained without cause by ICE, hunted, and treated to the most inhumane, horrifying conditions for the "crime" of seeking asylum.
TW: Racism

THE STATE OF US comes out in this context and, if reviews are to be believed, ultimately plays both sides of the conversation. One of the boys IS Republican. You know, the party currently driving these horrifically racist policies?
Everyone who claims cancel culture applies equally should watch this carefully. In the last year, multiple authors of color have had books PULLED (often voluntarily) for similar or lesser problematic contents.

But white authors have repeatedly been given more.
White authors get, at most, time to make revisions. Often, they just get protected and propped up by the community in ways authors of color NEVER get.

And *of course* almost all the positive reviews are from white people. White people will rally and erase harmed QPOC.
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