This is a departure from my typical criminal legal reform/Megan Thee Stallion tweets BUT Avatar: The Last Airbender truly stands the test of time. It was good as a kid but as an adult it hits DIFFERENT and I’m loving it. Below will be a living thread of my thoughts:
I’m sorry but I like Azula. She’s fierce, her nails are always done, her lips are always on plump, and I’m here for it. You girls could never.
Re: fierce women CAN WE TALK ABOUT AVATAR KYOSHI. Tall, thicc, crazy powerful — that’s Kyoshi Thee Stallion to you
Dropping this here:
For folks who don’t know what a switch is: Zuko is a bottom, Azula is a top, and I want both
Deleted but I’m reposting. I said what I said @CampbellDetrick
I’m watching the battle scene during the eclipse and my watch just asked me if I’m doing cardio
I am FINALLY at this point in the show and let me tell you I’m delighted:
While I’m happy to see taller girl/shorter guy representation, Katara and Aang DO NOT make sense together. Out of everything going on in the show (magic, spirit monsters, etc) this is the least realistic part. Imagine if YOU married the person you liked at age 12.
Katara sun, Azula rising, Sokka moon. Thoroughly pleased
UPDATE: I am now watching Legend of Korra and will add my thoughts to this thread. There seems to be a complete political and tonal shift from ATLA, and idk if I’m down with it
Miss Korra really is a secondary character on her own show
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