In the hopefully unlikely event that Bad White Lady kills herself, we'll hear this:

She did it to recenter whiteness. The real issue in this case is racist police violence killing blacks, but her suicide would make it about her own suffering. White suicides are political acts.
We'll be told that whiteness can't handle having itself exposed as complicit in racism, especially when it's against racism, and that's why white women are the worst weapon for maintaining white supremacy. White woman tears and white woman deaths are just white identity politics.
We'll endure people saying she deserved it, that actions have consequences, that racists have no place in our society. Elites won't say this, of course. Not explicitly. They'll say it's horrible and tragic, BUT...

And we'll endure that soulless BUT, just like we have before.
We'll endure tweets from blue-checked accounts, journalist accounts, telling us that this tragedy, though, is how whiteness operates in our society, how white supremacy maintains itself and how white privilege makes white people too fragile to confront the "realities of racism."
And we'll endure a ghoulish reframing of how the real tragedy of a destroyed life, if that's where it goes, was ultimately that in its own destruction it nevertheless maintained the status quo and recentered whiteness, ending conversations, thus lives, that matter... again.
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