COVID loss of smell update:

This is all bizarre.
I have 0% in my left nostril.

Everything is air.
I have about 15% in my left nostril--however, the smell must be directly under my nose and the sensation of smell is fleeting, as though my nostril become immune to it while inhaling.
I can't smell smoke or mucking out gutter manure odors.

I can't smell poop when changing diapers, thought I did get a brief wiff of poopbutt a few days ago when he was crawling on my face.
My sense of taste is still really muted from the lack of smell. Herbs and aromatics are pointless.

Strawberries, blueberries, grapes, and apples taste normal.

Cheese is texture, fat, and salt.

Breads seem dry and crumbling.

Citrus is bullshit.
It's hard to eat healthy foods when you're only tuned into salt, sweet, bitter, and sour.

This is the opposite of what it was like when I lost my sense of taste years ago. I ate lots of crunchy lettuce for texture.
I'm sad about missing spring cream and milk.
I recently started wondering if any of the mild cases in children have resulted in loss of taste or smell.
My dad, ever helpful, pointed out that unilateral loss of smell is associated with Alzheimer's, so that's in my head now.
It's been 6 weeks.

I'm a little scared of long-term damage because of my cheesemaking and farming.

I'm not an extreme panicker, but it's in my head.
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