questionable things my geometry teacher has said that i wrote down during class, a short thread
"people bully the hell out me, thats amazing"
"i got a frog"
"is the answer on my face?"
"dont you wish your calculator was just like mines"
"im teaching your future"
"we're going back to 10th grade now"
"then i do abra-cadabra and what answer will it give me"
"0 is a whole number because it has a hole"
"really? do i look dumb to you?"
"i gotta hate those hackers in the world"
"let me change my thickness to super thick"
"there is a god"
"you better say help, i need somebody"
"so im gonna dress up as a quiz so that people get scared on halloween"
"what do cows use to do math? a cowculator"
"we're scalene"
"just another day
"just another day without geometry"
"this reminds me of my big brain song"
"my rapper name would be 2 pi"
i miss my geometry and drama teacher so much pspspsps come back plsπŸ˜ΏπŸ’”
i made typos dont mind that pls
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