#AKAJaneRoe is wild. The catholic priests who oppose a woman’s right to choose shocked me the most. The church I grew up with preached love+compassion over everything, to leave any judgments up to god. Whether you have faith/religion or not, I think that’s a beautiful notion
Like I can’t even wrap my head around the self-righteousness of people thinking they could impose their opinion on what a woman does with her body.
And if we’re going down the real strict Catholics who think people should “save themselves” for marriage (🙄) Why would they care about a child born from sin, out of wedlock, or worse created as a result of rape? It makes no sense no matter which way the pendulum swings ugh!
@frfrankpavone this thread is for you. You need to find Jesus. #findjesus #RoeVWade #AKAJaneRoe #prochoice #womensrights
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