Starting a job search process so this is a self indulgent thread! Skip if u want! TL/DR: I've moved btwn organizing & academic worlds for 10 yrs. Am trained in (radical/crit) public health & community development &  have a commitment to the south. Send me organizing/policy leads!
This changed everything. I bcame a member of ACO (ACORN's descendant) & learned how to be an organizer. 5 yrs of anti-displacement work, fighting to stop the privatization of public ed, strengthen renters' rights, & build structures for participatory city govt.
Meanwhile, I got a job at same uni. Taught public health & nursing students. I ❤️ teaching. Favorite article I taught yr after yr-- John Kirks "A Study in Second Class Citizenship: Race, Urban Development & LRs Gillam Park, 1934-2004." Talk abt an easy way to radicalize students
In public health/academia I've been a: research assistant/associate, instructor, translational science coordinator, manager, evaluator, community liaison. I gave TA to profs who needed "community engagement." Countless lectures & training on this. I also write critically abt it.
Econ development is public health! Spent yrs promoting comm health worker models: creating new care delivery models & training programs. Mostly in Ark Delta. Increasing care access & creating jobs for community leaders. Learned so much about the south in this. "The good times!"
Moved to Nashville (cried for weeks after leaving Arkansas). Commitment to movement work deepened- organized with Homes4All, Workers Dignity, others. Got some great training.
Dabbled in a PhD in 2018-9. Partly bc of pressure, partly for "flexible" time. Thot & wrote about imp things- financialization of land/housing, theories of power & basebuilding. Improved my quant skills. Not good enuf reasons for a 5 yr commitment, when we need radical change now
Currently interim Co-Directora at @Workers' Dignity. I lead our transit organizing, support construction worker organizer, fighting against robo de salarios, y building tenant/inquilinxs power. Whole worker, deep organizing is what's going to revive labor.
Oh, I have 2 masters- public health & public service. Psych undergrad. I'm an NLC 2020 Fellow. Basic competency in SAS & STATA. Certified in public health. Lots of other trainings. If u care about those things.
I have a political commitment to the south & want to stay in worlds that blend organizing, policy, and research. I ❤️ nerdy things, dreaming about & fighting for different futures, reading, writing, doing outreach, 1on1s, love data, and am a strategist. Send me job leads!
You can follow @ae_bachelder.
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