It’s an uneasy time for millions. Many of us became hyper vigilant when this all started. We each have a story of why. For me, my wife is a nurse who was hospitalized in March. That hyper focus taught us a lot about this virus. We saw videos of patients intimated.... 1/
We saw bodies in bags laying all the floors in hospitals. Watched video testimonials from docs and nurses globally, terrified, begging the general public to take this serious. We read research articles on how the virus attacks the body. 2/
We took it upon ourselves to warn our family and friends. We learned the strategies our government needed to adopt, in order to reopen safely. We had days of hope. Days of despair. Days of relief. Days of anger. 3/
Now, some of us feel a weird sense of being in limbo. Everything seems to be going back to normal. But 20k new cases are still being found everyday. We know masks are effective, but no one is wearing them. Test/trace/isolate is needed, but many are claiming govt over each. 4/
We wear our masks, and get funny looks. We get invited to parties, then feel uneasy saying the right thing, not yet. We know our offices are about to reopen, but wonder if our companies will take it serious. What will that look like if they don’t? 5/
At the end of the day, we can only control what we can control. Our actions, our attitudes, the perspective we adopt. Stay vigilant. Stay patient. Stay loving. Be part of the solution. Even when, especially when, your surrounded by the problem. 6/
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