A quick guide to getting a 𝓼𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓭 waist✨❤️
-All of the info in this thread was obtained from fitness experts & nutritionists.
-Results may vary, but this can help you to achieve the smallest waist your genes are capable of!
-these tips ofc requires consistency.
Stomach vacuums
-is similar to sucking your stomach in
-strengthens your transversus abdominis (inner abs)
-can do it sitting, standing or lying down
-Do 10 sets for 10-15 seconds every few days for faster results
Vid tutorial on next slide👉🏾
Exercise, try to..
-do HIIT cardio
-strength train!!
-do exercises targeting your back and butt, if they get bigger your waist looks smaller💡
-partake in ab workouts like the one in the next slide
Chloe Ting’s 2 week ab challenge
-probably the most popular ab challenge rn
-Effective, especially when paired with a good diet (next slides)
-no equipment needed!
-However if you’re a bit lazy like me also recommend Vicky Justin’s 5 minute waist workout (on YouTube too)
-cut calories
-a diet high in soluble fibre, vitamin D and probiotics is great for losing weight from your waistline
-avoid refined carbs, sodium, sugar and processed foods for faster results
-eat more fruits, veg, whole grains, lean meat, low fat dairy & healthy fat
-crash diet, not healthy
-only use waist trainers, there’s no shortcut
-over exercise you can hurt yourself or even end up widening your waist as you’re building up muscle
-have unrealistic expectations
-do weighted oblique exercises (makes your waist look more square)
To conclude
-haven’t mentioned it before but you can’t spot reduce(☹︎), you can tone a targeted area though
-pls still do personal research before trying these, it’s not in detail
-though a small waist is nice, with or without it you’re still cute, that is all.
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