you're sitting in bed, criss cross apple sauce style. treehouse is playing, full volume and you sway to it in the pitch blackness of your room, lipsyncing to every word. the tears are streaming down your face, and you don't try to stop it, you let them roll down your cheeks. +
you reminisce your childhood, and are greatful for all your happy memories,and you're trying to come to peace with all of your new traumas and open wounds. you aren't quite there yet, but you know you'll make it out alive. this thought makes you smile for a moment, as you go back
to enjoying the last few moments of peace (and pain) you'll have before you wake up the next morning at sunrise, wishing your life was back to normality. you can't change what's already been done and you cant change the things you've seen, heard, felt and experienced, but you +
realise that one day, you'll make it out of your quiet little neighbourhood and achieve something.

this thread is slightly useless, but i needed to see me coming to terms with what has happened this year and i need somewhere i can look back to and be proud of. this isn't really
supposed to be directed at anyone but me, but if you enjoyed reading it, then that's okay too !! you guys don't realise how much you mean to me, but thanks for making my little corner of twitter a safe place for me. ily.
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