I just want to say something real quick-

I’ve seen enough of the hate towards other artists just because you don’t stan

I bet you’re not friends with every fan account or everyone at your work or school

So why bash a celebrity because they aren’t best friends with another
I’ve opened my eyes and my mind and realized that cancel culture is so fucked up and you think that you can just “cancel” a person because they’re not educated or you don’t agree with them well guess what? It doesn’t work like that
Wherever you go, there will be someone who doesn’t agree with you, you may know more about a subject than you and vice versa so instead of “cancelling” how about educating hmm
I’ve recently seen a Taylor fan account call out every celebrity that’s ever had beef with her and people in the comments were literally delusional
Of course Taylor Swift isn’t going to be best friends with everyone in the industry and that goes for everyone else as well
I’d also like to point out that we don’t what these people have or are going through, they put up facades to keep their viewers or “fans” happy, nobody can ever do anything, nobody can have an argument with another human being, without it being blown up on the internet
“Fans” are the most toxic people I have ever seen, especially on stan twitter, the lies and screenshots, and the “cancelling” None. Of. It. Is. Worth. It. Because you know what? Your opinion does not matter, yes I said it...
Taylor Swift was sexually abused and fans think it’s more important to call out kayne west for saying Beyoncé deserved an award more YEARS 👏🏼 AGO 👏🏼 tell me how that makes sense?
You’re missing the bigger picture here, this world focuses more on fame and what’s on the internet and who said what and controlling other people’s lives more than morals... sexual abuse, substance abuse, people are DYING and you care about how this girl stole a gc name?
Other celebrities like Harry styles have left social media almost completely because they’ve received so much hate from “fans” So many people are more invested in their lives and how they live it than they do their own and it’s sickening
I really want you to understand what I’m trying to say here, us, as fans, are entitled to make these people feel loved and wanted and I’d like to see that with all fandoms, don’t go hating on Demi Lavato because of fake screenshots and because she wants to cut off toxic people
I’m not saying Selena Gomez is toxic but you don’t know how Demi feels, she may feel that maybe if Selena isnt around for a while that she can get her mental health back up and they can try again YOU DONT KNOW I mean COME ON she just overdosed not that long ago
Please take all of this into consideration and try to be better, as fans, please and thank you, I love you all, and all of the amazing hard working celebrities out there because they’ve all saved a persons life at some point 😌💕
This tweet was not calling out this fan or was made to talk about Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez, it was mostly inspired by @Andrew__Gee YouTube video about the YouTube industry but the music industry, I just want us all to love each other, we’re all here to support our faves
I don’t see why we can’t support one another as well, what is the reason to lash out at someone for not stanning the same as you
Of course it’s ok to get in arguments and little petty fights because that’s what helps you grow not only as a person but as a fan as well, it’s normal, it’s not like I don’t expect you to fight over dumb things but why does it always come down to who we stan and don’t stan
Like I said, take all of this into consideration and be better, better fans, better people, and love one another 🥺😌💕
this is the link to the @Andrew__Gee video made about a year ago, it’s about exposing the YouTube community but most everything applies to the music industry as well so I thought I’d make this thread after I saw the Swifty tweet
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