Tomorrow would have been my 8th wedding anniversary. Turns out it’s also grape popsicle day, so I’ll be celebrating that instead.
Divorce sucks guys! But it gets better!
The number of ppl who have reached out about my “divorce tweets” being helpful for them is well into 50 plus. It’s crazy to me that this impacts so many ppl and no one talks about it. It’s not embarrassing. It’s not shameful. You are a whole person on your own.
I was *devastated* and mentally not well for several months. You are not less than if you feel this way now. You are still whole, still loved, and still valuable.
My ex and I split on the 4th of July. I’m closer to my family, I am in love all over again, and im living in a new city that I love. Things get better. But it’s ok if they aren’t right now. Let yourself grieve. Let yourself feel. You are not a failure bc your marriage failed.
Also! Grief isn’t linear. Let no one tell you “it gets better every day.” It fkn doesn’t. Some days you are great and some days you can’t move. Grief takes time. But YOU are worth those emotions. You are worth that time.
I still have really hard days! My life is great and my boyfriend is so amazing and sometimes I’m still overcome w emotion. It is what it is. Feel what you feel. You are whole, you are loved, you are absolutely worth this effort. Ok. Done.
You can follow @JessicaHuseman.
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