I've been wanting to talk about this for a while. Not because I'm selfish and like to talk about myself, quite the opposite. But I'm doing it because I realized something needs to be done about this. If possible. You'll see what I mean, just keep reading.
I have found that I am almost alone in my Generation. I tried to keep my identity and also be a part of the Q Movement. Didn't work for one big reason, I'm 24. 90% of the other 24 year olds are too consumed by the Cabal to even know it. And if you tell them, you're fucking nuts.
I have cut off really good friends, simply because they don't agree with me. Which sounds awful, but you are the company you keep. I can't be red-pilled and hang out with a bunch of blue pills. They have become so used to trusting the MSM and politicians to tell the truth.
Not only that but they walk right into the traps willingly. I am not like most of these kids, my eyes have been open since I was a young boy. My mother was very vocal about the evil's man is capable of. It made me aware. Which I guess most can say they're aware, to a degree...
But most people can also say they don't believe in conspiracy theories. And that brings me to my main point... Why? Why am I so different? Why are there only a few of us? Why aren't more kids my age, who are so keen with technology, being red pilled? The Hip Hop industry...
In my personal opinion, is the BIGGEST showcase of their luciferian ways. Which is hated by most older generations. Fitting. So again, with all of this symbolism, music, movies etc... why aren't more millennials awake? Don't start the whole "entitled" debate...
I really and genuinely, do not understand how we are so well equipped to find the truth and expose it globally in seconds, but don't. And if it is brought to the forefront, most question the credibility and do no research. WHY?!?! We need to wake up the younger people...
Youth always has been and always will be, the leaders of our future. If we leave them blue pilled and do not help them because we don't wanna hear about how great Billie Eilish is, we are no better than the ones who put them in that trap. There's an old saying, used many ways.
That says

"Leave no Man behind" or "No child left behind" or the more recently popular one, #WWG1WGA.

I know many Patriots are spending countless hours devoted to spreading the Truth. But if you haven't mentioned it to everyone you have relationships with, you're slacking.
Sorry to be blunt but, it's True. If you're afraid of rejection, being mocked, or ostracized, are we not also rejecting Jesus in that same moment? What would HE do? We all know, He already done it once. He spoke the Truth even to the very men, who'd kill him for it. Do your part.
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