i wonder how many people realize how new race is, race has not always existed, people before around the 1500s didn’t pay much attention to race considering the word in old french wasn’t introduced until 1512 “rasse” or italian “razza” the word “race” wasn’t introduced until 1580
far before the 1500s the only thing that was a difference between humans was gender, not color, we had different color but nobody noticed nor cared. there were no “black people” “brown people” “white people” “yellow people” there was just people. the reason racism exists is-
because we introduced it to divide humans and reference another human as black, white, brown or yellow. thus it became a difference. people believed there was a difference in black and whites or browns and yellows etc. when in reality there is not. we are all humans.
there is genuinely no reason for us to be called black white brown or yellow there is no reason for that to make us different in any way what makes us different is culture, religious beliefs etc. not your color. slavery would not have happened if race wasn’t introduced.
police would not discriminate against “black people” and kill them if race never existed. “brown people” wouldn’t be treated as illegals. people would not attack others physically and verbally if race went away. eventually we will evolve past race. i hope i am alive when it comes
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