It's a gift & a curse to think you're good at everything. You can't possibly be, but you're too blinded by ego to identify the things that need work. At the same time, you need some delusions of grandeur & unwavering self belief to push past others who second guess themselves.
At the end of the day, that self belief will take you far even if you are average at what you do, because most people doubt themselves & self sabotage too much to see things through to the end.
The harsh truth is that most people, no matter how gifted or talented, no matter how OBVIOUS their potential is to everyone else, will never achieve their full potential simply because they never believed in themselves enough.
The world is supposed to reward our talents, but thats not how the world works. Someone with far less to offer can surpass you simply because they tried, and you didn't.
Some people will get to great heights, and you will keep repeating how they are not 'that good', but guess what, it doesn't matter, because they had courage, took a leap of faith and journeyed there, while you chose to sit in one spot.
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