one thing that american politics have distinctly ruined is the idea of the Good Middle. The statement that "you can't opt out/sit on the fence because that is siding with the oppressor" is very true! It's a real statement!
Except, uh, it is a statement that makes the most sense within Americanized (and other places, yes, it's not *exclusively* American) politics. Or I suppose like, structural politics in general? I have criticisms of the usage of left and right to begin with, but, not the point.
My point is, I see people carrying that into *everything* and missing how that kind of polarization is... uh, still bad in a lot of contexts, actually.

This sounds very serious. I'm mostly pissed off about weed :P
"if you're not for weed legalization you're against it"

I AM FOR IT! I am annoyed that I can't open my mouth about it being potentially harmful for people with psychosis and bipolar and anxiety without getting hopped on by potheads. Like, pls, it is not good for Everybody
Sometimes, actually, the fence is the appropriate place to be and I will make my fucking home and castle here, asshats.

just not when lives are at stake

but also sometimes *both* sides of the fence are ignoring lives so -
anyway don't let your hatred of centrists turn into "everything should be polarized forever"
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