10 signs we're headed for a new $ETH bull market 👇🏼
#1: Ethereum has 380k daily active addresses (90-day MA) -- a figure not seen in over 2 years.
#2: More than 60 billion gas is now being used on a daily basis -- a sign that Ethereum blockspace demand has never been higher.
#3: Ethereum is the only network besides Bitcoin that has a meaningful market for security paid in fees. ETH fees have totaled $426k in the past 24 hours -- more than 237x the next closest coin $XRP.
#4: More than $7 billion in stablecoins have now been issued on Ethereum, including almost $4b in new issuance over the past 3 months -- a sign of major demand for cryptodollars.
#5: There are now 178k #DeFi users, up from 90k only 5 months ago -- a sign that Ethereum's biggest use case is starting to go parabolic?
#6: 7 different #DeFi projects have more than $30m AUM, up from just 1 project a year ago -- a sign that the ecosystem is maturing rapidly.
#7: $25 million of $WBTC has been minted since May 1st -- a sign that Ethereum is becoming an economic vacuum for all assets, starting with Bitcoin.
#8: 1 million new shares of @GrayscaleInvest's $ETHE have been issued in the past 3 weeks -- a sign that institutions are either investing in $ETH or locking up their existing holdings at a pace of roughly $1 million per day.
#9: Post-Black Thursday (March 12) there has been a net outflow of $ETH from exchanges, with 62% of days showing net outflows -- a sign of accumulation.
#10: Ethereum averages 850k transactions per day, up from 580k in early January. To put this in perspective, that's 3x more than Bitcoin averages on a daily basis -- a clear sign of increased usage.
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