listen honestly it's great if you're getting deeper into left politics through social media and we're all happy to see you here but if you aren't persistently involved in some sort of real world organisational work that's a problem and it has to change
this does NOT mean that you have to "log off": many people, particularly disabled people, need to be engaged via the internet, but it does mean that beyond social media you need to be contributing towards some sort of organisational work that can be done that way
this also does NOT mean that you have to "join a communist party", especially since many of you are in countries where, whether there is a claim to one existing or not, there isn't an actual political party composed on the basis of actual communist ideology
one way to approach that is to work towards the construction of an organisation, but its efficacy and value will be determined as much by correctly grasping the totality of real world politics as a process as by engaging in organising work not for the organisation's own sake
somebody the other day tweeted that if all your organisation recruits you to do is show up at protests and post memes both with the sole purpose of recruiting more people to that organisation, that's a pyramid scheme, not a political organisation
and that's very true. we have encouraged several publications and organisation building projects in countries like the UK where no meaningful communist party exists, but even these will only be able to prove their meaning not by recruiting people or publishing good theory...
...but by becoming a collective political subject with whatever human resources it has based on a correct understanding of concrete conditions. not everyone can be a trade union organiser, but then, not everyone can be a theoretician. the point is building effective structures
these structures will include serious propaganda outlets and not just meme pages such as this one (although some of the "propaganda outlets" we see on social media are no less meme pages and sometimes more meme pages than Worker's Spatula), but cannot be limited to them
very few platforms emphasise the importance of a correct grasp of theory than our page, and indeed, without a correct understanding of the world, you can't change it. but the point IS to change it. take a step towards organisation now, before you RT another joke.
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