I think design can be this deeply emotional thing where you can use shape language to communicate crazy complex ideas that are better purely in visuals. I think about Picasso's compulsive 58 Las Meninas study paintings A LOT. My man was OBSESSED with this painting.
Like, UI doesn't have to be the same #EEE's and #000's over and over.
And stop using the same boxes in your files. Break free from those constraints for a bit.
This has no utility but it's making me feel something and that's fucking great.
And then suddenly, through the spurt of emotion, a story starts to emerge.
Become nothing.
Also, this burst of energy was inspired by these 4 paintings. I became obsessed with them tonight. https://twitter.com/colorblindmess/status/1265402232851185664?s=20
"Only things that are really stupid and interesting" hahahahaha
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