People who (seriously) argue that Jack could’ve fit on the door, despite the narrative very clearly telling us he can’t, do so because they wanted him to survive. Which, yeah. You’re supposed to be sad and angry he died. Imagine a Titanic in which Jack survives...?
It would just be, like, a happy love story. Which would be bizarre considering it takes place during a very real tragedy. The framing narrative wouldn’t exist - why would Rose have waited so long to talk about Jack if they got married or whatever?
The whole point of the movie is Rose’s resilience, her learning to seize her own agency. The romance is in service of that. It exists to empower Rose, not to dramatically beat the odds. That would be a completely different movie.
Also they couldn’t have “taken turns” on the door, weirdos. How would that even work? They can barely move. Their limbs are all frozen. Rose almost died as it is, they both would’ve bitten in it that way.
Finally, do not talk to me about that Mythbusters test. They said they both could’ve floated IF they’d swum underneath and attached their life jackets to the underside of the door.
Forgive Rose and Jack for not performing a science experiment while traumatized in the middle of the freezing North Atlantic. Even if they thought of something like that, they probably wouldn’t be able to manage that much maneuvering. They’re freezing to death, you see.
In conclusion, I am a middle child whose older and younger siblings each independently had intense Titanic phases and I have therefore seen this movie twelve thousand times and I have strong opinions about it against my will
OH GOD OKAY JUST ONE MORE I PROMISE a huge part of Jack's tragedy is that despite his scrappiness and his good heart, he never stood a chance. He was poor on a doomed ship (and dare I say.....society??). Of the two, Rose was always going to be the one to survive.
That doesn't make Rose a horrible person, or cancel out her suffering as an abused young woman. It's just the truth. Of course she's going to be the one to float. She always was. Both of these themes exist alongside and in tension with each other.
Please do not think for one second that I have an unironic, uncritical love of Titanic btw. Our relationship is complex. I know every word of the script and I also complain about it the whole time I'm watching. I have a burning hatred for James Cameron
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