Curious as to what everyone's thoughts are on the state of Scout Rifles - their current viability in the sandbox & how they feel. I personally love Mida, but don't see it as a competitive option, despite being so versatile & one of the best imo. A thread on my thoughts on scouts:
It feels like scouts receive too much flinch & make it feel too random to reliably fight back, in many gunfights I feel like I can't shoot straight. I think that mid-range should be harder w/ scouts, but allow someone w/ a great shot to still compete despite less ease of use.
It feels like the range potential/sweetspot of scouts rarely gets time to shine on most maps, and if so its only in specific areas. Id love to see scouts offer more versatility than HCs bc of range potential, at the cost of DPS & ease of shooting (more difficult in close range)
More consistency (less flinch) & mid range competitiveness, but more demand for players to hit shots very accurately feels like a fair trade off to me (less AA/more exact shooting needed than HCs for example). I rather this than decreasing the headshots required for TtK as well.
Lastly please, please, I die on this hill - change Mida's catalyst. It is incredibly redundant, and is somehow getting less useful from an upcoming nerf. Reprising Battle Runner, or giving Icarus, Kill Clip, No Distractions/Unflinching, or even Full Auto would be amazing.
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