Congrats to @Thesrao and @ashkanshahbandi for a lot of hard work and equal 1st author contribution to our recently published paper 
We previously found that patients w/ TP53 wild type breast cancers have poor survival and chemo treated tumor cells enter senescence and adopt a cannibalism phenotype to persist in residual disease
here, we show that some of these senescent, TP53 wild type tumor cells can be killed by a senolytic drug ABT-263 that inhibits BCLXL, but some cells require a 2nd drug to also hit MCL1, a key finding by @thesrao 3/
sensitivity to senolytics can be induced by other treatments too, such as IR, Taxol, even Nutlin. nice work by @Aurelia44144 4/
massive apoptosis and cleaved caspase 3 is induced only in senescent cells, shown on scope by @ashkanshahbandi 5/
cells with senescent morphology are killed (black outline), but emergent, non senescent cells are spared (yellow) @ashkanshahbandi 6/
cannibalizing cells (red cell that has eaten a green) can be killed too 7/
Further work showed BCLXL was responsible for keeping some senescent cells from undergoing apoptosis, and some could rely on BCLXL or MCL1 (gotta hit 'em both) 8/
Noxa (PMAIP1) expression dictated whether cells required the MCL1 inhibitor drug, if NOXA was high, you only need to inhibit BCLXL. 9/
MMTV-Wnt1 tumors in mice that were senescent, expressing p21 and pStat3 after chemo treatment... 10/
responded to ABT-263 treatment 11/
although, we wish we would have gotten complete tumor eradication... working on it... might have some ideas already... There's lots more in this paper. Check it out.
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