Last summer I was saddened to attend a memorial service for a fallen officer, Tara O’ Sullivan, in Sacramento, CA. She was young; it was very sad and support was shown throughout the nation. An innocent person was (1/10)
murdered without cause. Similarly, an innocent man was murdered without cause this week in Minneapolis. Yet another black man was killed with the excessive use of police force this past Monday, George Floyd. There won’t be a service for him near anything like the officer (2/10)
neck hard enough to cause a nosebleed, despite pleas by himself and bystanders that he couldn’t breathe. The four officers involved have been fired, which is a good step, unlike the officers who shot Breonna Taylor to death, in case you’ve kept up with that case. Those (4/10)
officers have been placed on administrative reassignment instead. There’s a long growing list of unjust murders at the hands of police officers. While the problem may just be about a “few bad apples”, the full idiom says, “one bad apple spoils the bunch”. This is an (5/10)
memorial though, despite the similarities of wrongful and innocent death of the CA officer, and Floyd. This man, while he was still and not resisting, was continued for an extended length of time to be pinned to the ground by an officer, with the officer’s knee in his (3/10)
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