Every weekend, I fire up Notion and dive into a weekly checkpoint.

It’s comprised of 15 questions:

1) Am I closer to freedom?

2) What did I ship this week?

3) Is my calendar optimized for flow?

4) Where am I trying to be too clever?
5) Does my calendar reflect my priorities?

6) Was I going too fast, too slow, or just right?

7) What 20% of actions drove 80% of results?

8) What’s giving me energy? What’s dulling me?

9) Can I intentionally slow down to move faster?
10) What am I putting off? What if I just did it now?

11) Did I let other people dictate how I spent my time?

12) Am I calm? Am I fit? If not, what's in place to change that?

13) What can I remove, digital or physical, to improve coherence?
You can follow @adrianalfieri.
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