Don't cloak your racism in liberal or conservative clothes. Wrong is wrong; right is right. “You shall not have in your bag differing weights, a large and a small. You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. " Deut 25:13
When your complaint about too much govt power goes silent when that power is being used to press down the neck of a citizen, then you have 2 different measures
When your cry for justice for the poor doesn't extend to poor people who are White, then you have 2 different measures
When you say "let's have due process" except when its your enemy that is accused then you have 2 different measures
When you want to believe all women, except the women you dislike, then you have 2 different measures.
Impartial judgment is a standard only God can perfectly meet, but it ought to be our aspiration. Some of y'all just like to dress up your racism, misogyny, misandry, & classism in big words, biblical language, & political jargon.
don't put that on the Constitution and PLEASE don't put that on Jesus. Own your stuff. Don't wrap your bigotry in the Bible, the constitution, or the flag - rainbow or otherwise.
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