I've accepted myself as bi (mostly male leaning) since I was 14, and used to love being a part of the lgbt community on google+. Now I'm straight up ashamed of it, and desperately wish there was a way to detach from it and find something new. (thread)
Twitter has completely ruined the community, and it has been extending into the real world as well. Proven by @/FerociouslyS you can't trust the uwu positive vibes lgbt rights people because when given power they will abuse it, I feel that way about A LOT of people on here
lgbt has turned into a community full of people who share the same identities and sexuality into a group tainted with politics and ever growing ideas and beliefs you're expected to support if you're in the community. That's not what I want, and it's impossible to get away from
I've seen awful take after awful take with tons of support, and it feels like I can't say anything against it. I just want to be openly who I am and not have people assume I support racism against white people. Diverse opinions in a community is healthy but there ARE bad opinions
Maybe it's just twitter getting to me, but I can't take anymore 13 year olds talking about systemic oppression. Things have gotten to the point where I'd rather lie about being straight to friends and family and not think about this kind of stuff.
I believe people should be supported based on their character, not identity. There are so many people who say the most outrageous bullshit and receive no criticism about it. I feel like there really needs to be huge changes in the community.
I genuinely hope there’s just a massive wave of bad actors and satire going on because if some of the stuff I’ve seen is real and actually supported I’m actually considering leaving twitter for good.
End of thread
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