me + @lillymouse26 today @ a certain guild who shall remain nameless
absolutely no shade at the specific rep - they are waaayyy underwater + trying their best - but full shade at the immense structural issues in an already imperfect guild that seems to have lost all understanding of how to communicate in this pandemic
like....i'm a dues paying member in my own right, i've been producing podcasts with this guild before they had a podcast specific contract, i'm going to be paying out tens of thousands of dollars in pension + health contributions over the next several months....
.....maybe don't lose all our paperwork + not respond to calls or emails for a month? maybe get us our contracts so we can pay actors in at some point before THE DAY OF PRODUCTION.
look, I get it, we're all having a hard time but like....i make the ONE type of thing that actors can be in safely right now when all their other work - especially for anyone who's not a huge star - is going to be dried up for the next several months or year.
not to mention, plenty of the actors we work with who are up-and-coming and still have day jobs, won't even qualify for this guild's earning-based health care so, like.....what are you for?
anyway, once again, i'm probs going to delete this thread in a few minutes but just a hot tip for podcasters: if you want to do a sag production this year, get your paperwork started now! I'm not kidding!
(fwiw, i'm v pro union but bc of guild rules, CA AB-5 laws, and all the rest, I cannot pay actors until I have them under contract! and, hot take, I think unions should be focused on making sure that people can get paid fairly + quickly, esp in a pandemic! that's just me tho!)

I have a sneaking suspicion that the bigger producers (aka $$$) are not having this problem despite the fact that I'm out here trying to pay non millionaires a fair wage + was the first person in LA to ask SAG for a podcast contract but whatevs!!!!
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