Re: the interview w/ @cthagod: Between @JoeBiden's bold comportment & shameful failure to deliver meaningful, Afrocentric solutions to the audience, it's clear that he prepared for this interview assuming it'd be easy to win more black votes or assuming he didn't need to even try
@cthagod says "my family is blessed, black, and highly favored,"
@JoeBiden says, "but [your people] are getting killed though." Awkward small talk, bro Biden. Not even hiding his use of black suffering to effortlessly pander to the black voter block.
@cthagod says, Where you at Joe? You've been MIA during this crisis, not very leader-like
@JoeBiden says, That's literally my strategy is to not be leader or propose innovative solutions to this crisis until I'm elected. I'm deliberately leaving all the leadership stuff to @Trump
@cthagod says, *nothing*
@JoeBiden talks about a carnies(...?) & spout platitudes & stats on institutional racism & what a problem it's been, while proposing no meaningful solutions, putting on a clinic for the whites on how to do empty virtue signaling.
@cthagod say, Do you feel like the Democratic Party owes black people anything?
@JoeBiden says, Black people already love me so much for doing a bare minimum, if it can even be called that, & are so down to vote for me that I don't even need to really answer that question, jack!!
@cthagod says, Why can't you admit that the 1994 Crime Bill had terrible consequences for Af Am in mass incarceration & war on drugs?
@JoeBiden says, I won't admit it. The bill had no negative effects. It was everyone else's fault but mine
@cthagod says, You said black woman VP so what's this about @amyklobuchar?
@JoeBiden says, "I'm not acknowledging anybody who is being considered, but I guarantee you there are multiple black women being considered. Multiple."
@cthagod says, "We've got more questions" for you to decide if you're really worth our vote--per proper informed democratic protocol.
@JoeBiden says, now infamously, "I tell ya what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or @Trump, then you ain't black."
It's painfully apparent in this interview that @JoeBiden's comfort level & cavalier approach toward engaging with @cthagod & black voters by proxy are rooted in a sense that he has the vote in the bag. This attitude will yield no meaningful progress for black voters as a whole.
What can you do about it? DO NOT vote for @JoeBiden in your state's primary. DO NOT commit or publicize your commitment of your vote unless he commits to meaningful Afrocentric legislation. Learn what that looks likes & advocate for it. This is allyship. The vote is quid pro quo.
You can follow @ticum_capoeira.
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