>>> https://twitter.com/NYTnickc/status/1265392527630372864
Anybody else think Twitter didn't go far enough to explicitly say Trump's voter-fraud tweets are inaccurate and are being fact-checked? I mean, "Get the facts about mail-in ballots" doesn't actually and directly say "Hey! We're fact-checking this inaccurate claim."
Full disclosure, I work a second job outside of journalism b/c, esp. right now when I don't have a news outlet to write for, journalism doesn't fully pay my bills. My second job, usually is UX copywriting, and I'd NEVER write UX copy as wishy-washy as Twitter's fact-check link.
And, no this thread is not political or biased – so I hope nobody thinks that. I'm merely stating, as a journalist that tries to always be objective and report facts, that Twitter's fact-check link wordage (copy) is NOT clear enough for Twitter users. /END
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