A core problem at Facebook is that one policy org is responsible for both the rules of the platform and keeping governments happy. https://twitter.com/dseetharaman/status/1265312209602674688
It is very hard to make product decisions based upon abstract principles when you are also measured on your ability to keep innately political actors from regulating/investigating/prosecuting the company, especially when they have very concrete demands.
Outside of the US, this is reflected in the fact that the local policy heads are generally pulled from the ruling political party and are rarely drawn from disadvantaged ethnic groups, religious creeds or castes. This naturally bends decision-making towards the powerful.
This tension would better be reflected if the org structure had different VPs representing these equities and, hopefully, the one pushing principled decision-making winning more than their share.

Also relevant is the success the Trump Administration has had working the refs.
Political concerns should not override responsible product management, but if you want to know why policy VPs can beat down internal teams focused on preventing harm, look to the ability of the current administration to launch investigations on multiple fronts.
You can follow @alexstamos.
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