I admit to a certain fascination with leftists who hate the police except in Xinjiang, where cops send people to extrajudicial camps and give reasons like “visiting abroad,” “applied for passport,” “overseas communication,” “prayed regularly,” “had a beard,” "wore head scarf."
They can read the documents as well as anyone. Do they not believe they're legitimate? Do they think the re-education centers and forced labor are justified? Do they not care and just want to score ML credit points by seeming tough and anti-liberal?
Does the shifting official story not bother them?
2017-"The camps don't exist."
Early 2018-"They exist but are only for criminals."
Mid 2018-"They aren't just for criminals but also people whose minds are poisoned."
Late 2018"They're voluntary job training centers."
I get that the baseline assumption is that, if the US claims something about a rival power, it's false (probably a healthy baseline for reading the news) but at some point critical thinking has to enter into your analysis. The evidence is overwhelming.
I'm just a simple caveman stenographer who tries never to think in public, but when the entire left half of the US political spectrum from the Dems to DSA to the 4th International cedes all public action on Xinjiang to our Marco Rubios, it's bad!
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