Thread: Our friends at College Board are at it again.

First, they announced the 45-minute AP Lite, and assured students colleges were on board with the idea, and giving credit for the micro-exams.
Second, they announced take-home SATs for the fall in case schools don't open or test centers can't be used.

The implication was that the tests would be accepted by colleges.
They did so without providing colleges validity or reliability studies to ensure that an Etest was comparable to a standard administration. Somewhere there was a statement saying their research said everything was hunky dory. That was it.
Now this.
Can you see what these three things have in common?

It's narcissism.

College Board makes an announcement, and then hoists all responsibly for making it happen on the end user.

As if we work for them.
On the AP, they apparently consulted with cronies, as narcissists tend to do. The cronies, of course, said yes right away.

And since they had lots of states where public universities were legislated to accept AP credit, they thought they had a pass. "Dad said it was OK."
On the eSAt, they must have felt emboldened by the AP results: I don't know a single college they consulted with.

It's like they told you to inject bleach, and no doctors were there to say, "don't inject bleach." So they injected bleach.
And now, they say test centers will be expanded.

Then they say, "we need to you to help us expand." It doesn't matter to a narcissist whether you think it's a good idea, or even safe to do this. It's what they have determined is important; it's your job to help them do it.
You know this will cause frantic parents and students to put pressure on districts, schools, and teachers to open test centers. And logic won't work.

Because College Board is also in an abusive relationship with parents and students.
So, if you won't accept AP, if you won't accept the eSAT, if you won't open another test center, guess what?

You're the bad guy. Not the narcissist who imposed unreasonable expectations on you.
If you don't see that you're in an abusive relationship with College Board, I hope this helps you figure it out.

They call the shots. You do what they want you to do.

It's really that simple. And dysfunctional.
I wonder if this hangs in the offices in Manhattan. I'm going to say yes.
Oh, and #EMTalk
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