Had a quick look at two of the accounts that have been most prominent in badgering GMB to abandon working mums...

One account, claiming to be a GMB member, is a transwoman who claims that they transitioned literally last week. Well that was good or bad timing, depending how /1
you look at it.

The other account claims to be a female GMB union rep, though strangely they had only ever had one rather bland interaction with the GMB account before this week. Though amongst the accounts they HAVE had A LOT of interaction with in the past are: /2
Hayden, Harrop, Katie "bad girly", Joss Prior, Mermaids... basically this is a fully signed up member of that charming little circle. This account never tweeted about trans issues once before March 2019, and when they started it was explicitly as a means of getting at Caroline /3
Farrow, whom this account had been harassing and generally abusing for several months previously. A timeframe during which, as we know, Hayden was battling both Farrow and Mumsnet both on-line and in the courts.

Funny how this tiny group of people exerts so much influence! /4
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