While everyone is focused on the care of seniors in LTC homes in Quebec & Ontario, good time to point out that seniors are also struggling in hospitals. And none of them are allowed to have one person visit them. Why have we all gone along with that?we were so quick to tweet 1/
and retweet those endearing photos and videos of loved ones making window visits. We cooed and awed. But you know what? There’s nothing endearing about it. Those people are being deprived of the one thing that is most important to their well being, the one thing no medicine 2/
replace. And how many of them are dying as a result of that? This has got to change. We are making plans to reopen stores and restaurants but aren’t making plans to reopen hospitals and LTC homes? We have shoved our seniors away, out of sight, and we are all running around 3/
causing a stink about some people in a park on a sunny day? Our seniors are dying and they’re just numbers on the tv screen! How many are dying, not because of covid or cancer or heart failure but rather because they’ve given up emotionally and mentally because they think 4/
nobody cares about them and that’s why they’re alone in the hospital? How many think that that’s why they’ve been left alone, that they’ve been just dropped off to die? The ones who are confused. What about them? This is criminal. And we will be defined by this. 5/5
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