stop telling street sex workers to work indoors, in a brothel or online

there are many, sometimes complex reasons, as to why street sex work is the only suitable and available option but regardless, it doesn't need justifying

we can make decisions that are best for us

working in a brothel is not always better pay - granted it's safer working conditions but you are also confined to one place for X amount of hours

this is highly unrealistic if you live a chaotic lifestyle, or perhaps a drug user
also, ask any street sex worker, they will tell you they couldn't think of anything worse than handing any money they own over to anyone & what they earn is theirs

that's their choice and to be honest, I agree - they deserve every penny
working on adultwork isn't an option either if you've not got a phone, or you don't even have ID to verify your account - a common issue among street sex workers which also prevents them opening bank accounts

with no bank account, you can't buy credits either to reply to client
the thought of street sex work moving online is laughable for so many reasons -
a) the investment needed such as lingerie, phone, data sim
b) different skills required (marketing, advertising)
c) not everyone has privacy - e.g. hostels, refuges, partner
working in an agency is also off the cards or a brothel if you're a drug user too because most owners will reject you straight away - forcing us to turn to street sex work

sometimes a brothel doesn't offer higher rates of pay but can take bigger cuts, even if you get no job
work dynamics are also different - some sex workers prefer to work alone or in their own time, thus working street is more suitable for them and their lifestyle

e.g. they might have children they care for all day, so they can only work the night/early hours when partner home
you can earn a lot more in street sex work sometimes - the turnaround times are quicker and if like me, you don't like the emotional labour that comes with sex work, it may be your preferred type of work

downfall is you can wait ages in the cold too
street sex work is extremely accessible, there are no barriers to entry - no ID needed, no brothel or agency owner to accept you

this is perfect if you just want to dip in and out of sex work without committing yourself to it or maintaining online persona
this thread is not to encourage anyone to do street work, in fact, I discourage it and there are also generally other underlying factors in our lives

however, it can be really annoying when people say 'just move online/work in a brothel/do independent'
I know people mean well, but in the confines of my life and socio-economic resources, I chose the option best for me

you have to remember, street workers try to choose indoor when we can, esp in winter - we too take client numbers and visit their houses
I know many street sex workers who would love access to other resources such as online sex work but they don't have the means to do so, and therefore, they work well with what they do instead, making the best decisions for them
sex work is highly digitalised these days, and that really freezes out a lot of street sex workers

a lot of sex workers don't even have bank accounts to have their payouts from onlyfans paid into & it would remove their benefits too

it ain't easy
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