Just so everyone knows, I couldn't care less bout who you ship. I don't care. Talk about any ship you like or don't like, I'll listen. If you're uncomfortable with a certain ship, then I'll respect yout wishes and never mention it here. I'll do that for you.
What I won't do is let anyone disrespecting other's preferences or requests and playing it off as nothing. That's bull! I cross the line when you do that to me or any of my close friends, you just don't do that.
This isn't a matter of petty ships or hcs. This is bout giving respect for the sake of others' mental health. If you dimiss stuff like that as "oh just some petty discourse uwu" then shut up. That will say a lot about you.
No one's asking if you like their request, no one's asking if you agree with what they're saying. There's a lot of things you might not like or think is ridiculous, but that's too bad! You still gotta respect it either way
This is how I feel sometimes, not gonna lie, but I will always try at least and respect what you guys don't want to see. It's not that hard. If you're not even willing to do that then get out of here. Read a book or something.
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