For two weeks, ICE has sprayed this chemical 100 times a day at the Adelanto Detention Center outside Los Angeles.

People inside are bleeding, their eyes are burning, and they can't get away for even a minute.

They're being poisoned.
HDQ Neutral is poison in an unventilated ICE detention center.

Don't take our word for it, read the @SpartanChemical label:

"Causes irreversible eye damage and skin burns. Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Avoid breathing."
So. In an ICE detention center an hour outside of Los Angles, people are being poisoned all day with toxic chemicals that make their noses bleed & their eyes burn.

We have to stop it.

PLEASE tell everyone you know in LA: we need people to show up by the HUNDREDS on Thursday.
You can follow @NeverAgainActn.
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