A thread over the next few days on Spaniards fighting in the British Army in WW2 with an emphasis (this time) on those who were in the Middle East Commandos and fought in Crete in 1941. 1/
When 50 ME Commando (mostly Queens Royal Regiment) was formed in Aug 1940 in Egypt, 63 Spaniards joined the ranks. All had fought in the Republican Army during the Spanish Civil War and were initially recruited by the French in refugee camps in the South of France in 1939. 2/
Soon they were sent to the Middle East as part of French Foreign Legion (or 11eme Bataillon de Marche) to be stationed in French mandated Syria and Lebanon. But after the German defeat of France, the Spaniards boarded three lorries making their way to Palestine, then Egypt. 3/
Here they joined the British Army and then members of No. 50 ME Commando. In order for the 63 to join, they were initially recruited into The Queen's Royal Regiment (West Surrey). No. 50 ME Commando was made up of 570 volunteers established in Sep 1940. 4/ @3468marsh
After a series of operations in the Eastern Mediterranean No. 50 ME Cdo was merged with No. 52 ME Cdo to form D Batallion of Layforce, after Bob Laycock, its commander. The Bn was formed late Mar 1941 under the command of Lt Col GAD Young RE. 5/
At 0530hrs on 26 May D Bn set sail for Crete from Alexandria, arriving at Suda just before midnight on the same day. The Spaniards were commanded by Maj RL McGibbon in B Coy 6/
In the early hours of 27 May 1941 D Bn dissembarked and it is clear that the decision had been made to evacuate Crete. It is decided that D Bn will cover the withdrawl of the troops to the South of the island..... 7/
Laycock decided the best points to slow the German advance would be a ridge six miles from Suda and astride the road to Sphakia. At 0515 D Bn arrived at its destination deploying 3 Coys. 8/
The Coys of D Bn were attacked from the air that day but were lucky to not have any cadualties. The CO, Lt Col George Young was told to recce a new position to pull back to and leave one Coy behind. This was to be B Coy.....9/
Maj RL McGibbon had to march his Spaniards further W to take up their new exposed position..... " This meant marching headlong into fleeing British troops...it was hard to explain to the Spaniards why British troops didn't stand and fight...." 10/
McGibbon continues..."Shortly afterwards a platoon of NZ Maoris came through us - commanded by a 2Lt. All were carrying not only their own weapons but also German weapons. They asked if they could join us...I later sent them on a bayonet attack." 11/
Continuing a thread on Spaniards who after the Spanish Civil War fought in the British Army. This time as members of No. 50 Middle East Commando in Crete in May 1940....12/ @RMHistSociety @StevensBalagan @WW2Talk @guerraenmadrid @SpanishCivil @3468marsh
Elements of Crefore, including the 1st Welsh, continued to withdraw. At 0500 on the 28 May A Bn Layforce, which was also on Crete, passed through B Coy. By now B Coy was reinforced by 2 x Maori Coys. German troops soon began to attack from the N and the S.....13/
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